Honestly Concerned e.V.

See also: http://honestlyconcerned.info/
honestly concerned


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President of Honestly Concerned e.V.

10391442_10152571775598932_7875556714005648886_n - KopieSacha Stawski is the president and editor-in-chief of Honestly Concerned e.V. (www.honestlyconcerned.info), an initiative which was founded in May 2002 to fight unbiased media coverage of the Middle East conflict and anti-Semitism. In this regards Honestly Concerned publishes comprehensive daily press reviews, in addition to organizing letter writing campaigns, political debates, demonstrations and more.



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President of ILI – I LIKE ISRAEL e.V

Sacha Stawski ILI PräsidentIn November 2009 Sacha Stawski became the president of “ILI – I LIKE ISRAEL e.V.” www.il-israel.org, which organizes an annual Israel day across Germany and in an increasing number of cities worldwide – 75 cities in 2014. In this function, Sacha also became the organizer and host of the largest ever cross-organizational Israel solidarity conference in Germany, which first took place in 2010 www.israelkongress.de.